Sunday, 4 March 2012

Evaluation: Question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?
Video Feedback 
We wanted to get both positive and negative feedback so that we can work from our negatives and turn them into positives. Although there arne't any comments on our 'YouTube' upload; there are 541 views which shows us that many people are watching our video. 
We made the face book page as a group so that we could get direct feedback from our targeted audience with our print work and the completed music video. It was quite hard to get a lot of feedback from the social networking site as people don't express their feelings towards the product so we thought of some useful questions that would get more of a deeper answer from our audience. We uploaded it to the social networking site of via the you-tube channel. This it how we gained our 541 views; although the feedback we got wasn't very useful and we didn't get much thoughtful responses.
 However our questions we did gained responses in person that were useful.
 I chose Emma Law who fits the targeted audience extremely well to ask her some questions about the video and then also about my print work. 

CD/Magazine Advert feedback 

Comments on my overall Feedback

After uploading my work to the social networking site where my close friends were able to give me feedback, youtube and also getting feedback from face-to-face where i was able to pick up on the positives and negatives to my work..............

  • Could address what genre it was from by watching it. 
  • The digi-pak was seen as 'professional' and it could be seen on the shelves in the shops. 
  • The digi-pak and advert cover was seen as eye catching and the colours really grab your attention.

I feel that the audience are looking at the text in a positive light, they are feeling up to tempo and enjoying the entertainment being shown on the screen. They feel that the print work matches the video and they can also tell what genre it is in. One of the negative comments we received about the print work was that the outfits she was wearing didn't match; as in one was commercial and the other was glamorous. I knew why they thought it was quite a contrast but then I did that for a reason, it was to show her different styles! 
The hypodermic needle model theory is how the audience first react to our text. It has come across that the text has been put across so that the audience really feel involved. One of the worries is that the audience can be influenced by watching the behaviour upon the video and then will act out it themselves. Having parents watching the text could give them a wrong impression to what they are relating it too and so it helps explain the genre and why different society's shouldn't be exposed to watching texts that aren't in their comfort zone. 

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