The audience thought that it all went together really well, they thought that the composition of it all fitted together nicely with the style of the video and the print work.
I feel that it matches well with the house style and the colours are matched but the only fall back i have on it is that all three girls aren't on the cover and advert and so the audience wouldn't realise its a 'girl band' by the advert and digipak.
Refering back to the Print research i was really inspired my Kesha's album cover. This was because the close up of her face i thought really caught the viewers attention and so wanted this to be the main inspiration to my digipak. I had the idea of her hair being one of the main aspects to her so that audience would reconigse her. As like Kesha, she has big wavy blonde hair and so i thought hair plays quite a big role in advertising and getting the package known and so i took shots that had her bright red , curly hair in view so that when watching the video it relates back to the print work.
I though about font and colours in an early stage, red and black is my main colour sceme with glitter; this was becuase i felt the red and black was rebal kind of colours and so portrayed more of the wild side to her and then the glitter i felt lifted the style up to show the more glamorous side to her. This matches the video as in it we see the side of her when she gets drunk and is sick in the toilet and then the dancing/glamourous side to her with the shots in the studio.

I have made our band coherent by trying to make it all look the same and recognisable towards the audience.
The font is in 'Lucida Calligraphy' which is a modern 'Sans Serif' type of font. This is mainly used for the Title of 'The Ditzys' because I really liked the way the capital 'T' and 'D' Looks sophisticated and classy.
Also the colour code i used for all of the font was 'mistyrose(SVG) cmyk(0%, 11%, 12%, 0%)' and also 'white(Safe 16 SVG Hex3) cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 0%)' this was because against the white background it stands out the most and I felt that the baby pink gave the package more of a style to it as the white could come across as quite boring. I used white on the 'OUT NOW' text as this was in a large sized font and wanted it to stand out!
The lighting I used for the shoot to receive the shots I wanted for the print work was with the studio lightings, with the use of the 'spot lights' and the black back drop which created that professional feel to it. I wanted the same coloured back drop 'gray3 cmyk(0%, 0%, 0%, 97%)' so that it would have the same features to it so that the audience would be able to recognise it. Also with the lighting it really reflected Molly's hair and so I wanted that to be a main feature to so that the red and black would match and they would go well together. The colour of Molly's hair is a kind of deep red 'firebrick4 cmyk(0%, 81%, 81%, 45%' but with the technology of photo shop i was able to brighten or darken it depending on what colour the lights had made it.
Using the colour swatch on Molly's hair I used the colour from her hair and used it as the background for one of the digi-pak panels.
I got her to wear a sparkly dress for some of the shots so that the audience could see her as being glamorous and it would show her as being the stereotypical pop star. I then got her to wear more of a casual outfit so it would represent her quirky style and this would represent also the stereotypical pop star who can be versitile from the glamorous side.

Good use of colour, the red is very striking! Designs are really good. But Molly looks glamourous in some shots, and then hip hop/edgy in others . . . it's sort of a contradiction - so theres not a clear representation of what the band/act is trying to convey to there target audience . . If I didn't know the music, I wouldn't know what kind of genre it was from looking at the adverts/CD covers.
He mentioned about the red being very striking and that the designs are really good. So this gave me the impression that he really liked the layout and the designs. He thought that the two different styles were contradicting themselves as though he wasn't clear about what the style was that was being represented. He felt that the two matched and they were from the same artist but he was just unsure about the two different styles and the representation.
I feel that this is a satisfied comment and that the two different representations are done for a purpose, after watching the video he understood why I wanted there to be a versatile approach to the products.
There is defiantly an importance to the band image within the marketing as this is what helps achieve sales and to be well known in the industry. The brand is about discovering who the artist is and what they want to achieve in the market. A business with a leading brand will get the most viewers and be known through their reputation and in the competitive markets. A successful brand is one that will stand out from the crowd with its values, house style and personality which are portrayed through the design of their products.
To keep the brand image if I were to make my products go on further I would make a web page with the house style which would develop in promotion and marketing. Using the same font and colours and I would also take more images in the same style with all of the three girls to get it featured as a girl band more of a solo artist.
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